Saturday, June 25, 2011

Casting the net: Extending the vision

Today marks day eight for the teams in RAAM 2011. I wonder what they are feeling, those who are still at work somewhere nearing the east coast, those who have finished and are trying to get purchase on a life without the steady rhythm of pedal strokes and Five Hour Energy.

In the Race Across America version 2010 by this Saturday morning our team would have been sleeping, traveling, eating, or catching up with loved ones after having rolled up to the Chesapeake Bay yesterday morning. Early on the previous morning, still about ten miles out from the finish, with head barely held above my front stem yet still rolling forward with my teamates, Henry Kaestner asked me the question, "When will we hear from the Tobacco Trail Church next?" I said to him, an answer that seemed as natural as any other sort of pleasantry though I had no idea where it came from, "This is it right now. Us riding is the Tobacco Trail Church."

That was a vision quest sort of time for our community. I'm feeling it again.

I took a picture this morning of the bluebirds back at work, late in the season by my memory, casting their vision for new life, growth, maturity.

I think TTC is in growth mode, casting a wide net, seeing what will come back. I sense people getting a bit restless--always a good thing if not a comfortable thing. To be squirmy is to be ready to move.

Those eggs are filled with squirminess inside. I trust that. I did not touch them for that might scare mom and dad away. But I trust they are warm with movement, pulsing with cellular growth, ready to hatch.

What warmth is dwelling inside the Tobacco Trail Community today? I think it has to do with running and church, coffee and cycling. I'm looking forward to seeing it all come to fruition.

Cast your nets wide today. Risk an empty catch and switch to the other side of the boat if and when the directive comes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Shoulda Set for Crete

On the way to Rome
the winds were against us
and we shoulda set for Crete
and stayed a piece

Aristarchus from Thessalonica
was with us
bet he knew our people there

No good bein' a prisoner
when the sea and the wind burp and howl
against our wayward ways

The centurion had a fool plan
that had us doggin' on toward the big city
but he was a fool

Get us killed is what would happen in this weather
Right on past Crete
in the wintry weather violent and all a fuss

Fortnight later, well past old Crete now
I told 'em
stay on this ship
if you want to live
and they did
and we did

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Happened in West Virginia

What happened in WV
was a ride on two wheels
up a hill
into the lush green
as the horizon
edged upward
False flats
and then up again
Curve and weave
Cut the corners
Or stay to the right
for safety and to abide
in the laws of the land
good laws
better not to surprise oncoming traffic
in a dart
for their lives
and his