This is the Tennessee River. Last night, we camped along the river left bank amidst our only tumult of rain. The previous five days were sunny and clear in the Tennessee River Valley floating just over 20 miles on the French Broad (FB) River toward Knoxville, passing the Holston River as it merged with the FB. From this photo the merger is just upstream, a ways around that corner and this piece of water becomes the Tennessee River after two rivers become one.
This morning we have just a mile or two to float and paddle to the takeout in downtown Knoxville and a Noon pickup, then back to 43 Hart Road and Eagle’s Nest Camp. Our home, our final destination in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina, must be 200 river miles upstream. It is very near the headwaters of the French Broad. I have paddled those headwaters many times. Near camp. Near Brevard. Even the North Fork of the FB after a hard rain, one mile of fast and furious creek boating. It’s a good circle, this river that runs through so much of our lives. And yes, that’s a metaphor. No, the river does not actually run in a circle. Though, this one does cut against the grain, running kinda North and kinda back West, because this river came before the mountains.
Eleven of us, eight about 12 yrs old and three about adult age floated, played, paddled, frolicked, cried a little, ate a lot, slept some, laughed often, saw the countryside, met her people, tanned.
Here is what camp has to say about this Added Adventure:
Have you ever dreamed of floating down a mighty river on a tiny self-built raft and experiencing Huck’s great adventure? Do you like telling tall tales and making mischief? On this adventure, campers venture into Mark Twain’s novel as Jim, the Duke, and Huck, floating down the French Broad River. Navigate by the river banks and stars as you make your way west. Participants prepare the rafts and learn from communities along the river!
Huck Finn is an add-on trip during Session II, and begins and ends at Eagle’s Nest. Description from website.
I have known about Huck Finn happenings for more than 30 years. Never partook until this July. About broke my 43 year old body, but I am makin’ it, maybe even stronger. Will tell you next week.
As for the others, best I can say they enjoyed it quite a bit. Many planning to springboard to Hante’s all over. Hante is an extended version of this type of trip and more intense with rocks to climb and faster rivers to navigate and longer paths to walk. But this was no easy trip, lest you be thinkin’ we had not a care in the world. Lots of gear on and off a heavy raft, day after day. Lots of exposure. Lots of downtime which is hard for young ones in 2018 in the age of constant blips and bleeps. But good for young ones in every year.
Learn more about life outside at | Eagle's Nest Foundation.
Here is the Huck Finn Crew from July 2018...