Thursday, October 10, 2013

Voices from Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73

This music by Beethoven inspired the poem, "Voices," which can be found in the collection, Border Ways, available at and


Wind blows
Sun shines
And a woman yells harshly
To someone on the other end of digitized audio waves
The scene is out of concert
Because the day preaches coolness, calmness, serenity
Who needs such a harsh talking to?
I’m glad it’s not me
Though I could probably use one
Run faster
Parent better
Work harder
Write with greater clarity

She is calming and walking nearer
Smiling to the person on the other end, though he can’t see the smile
Perhaps he can hear it somehow, in the turn of a word
Serenity overcomes me as it has already done on this bright day
by hearing that best part of
Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73
Listen to it and choose your best part
I discovered it again for the first time
In a theater watching a stammerer find his voice
And though afraid of falling on his words into empty space
He went anyway and spoke into the mic
Found his voice and the heart of a nation
You too have a voice
Somewhere there is an audience
That needs your story

1 comment:

George Linney (aka Monk) said...

Wind blows
Sun shines
And a woman yells harshly
To someone on the other end of digitized audio waves
The scene is out of concert
Because the day preaches coolness, calmness, serenity
Who needs such a harsh talking to?
I’m glad it’s not me
Though I could probably use one
Run faster
Parent better
Work harder
Write with greater clarity

She is calming and walking nearer
Smiling to the person on the other end, though he can’t see the smile
Perhaps he can hear it somehow, in the turn of a word
Serenity overcomes me as it has already done on this bright day
by hearing that best part of
Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73
Listen to it and choose your best part
I discovered it again for the first time
In a theater watching a stammerer find his voice
And though afraid of falling on his words into empty space
He went anyway and spoke into the mic
Found his voice and the heart of a nation
You too have a voice
Somewhere there is an audience
That needs your story