Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where the rocks meet the roots and the tree

The text below is the original Hebrew of Psalm 1. I don’t know Hebrew, but I like the way it looks and it helps remind me that scripture comes to us as a stranger.

א אַשְׁרֵי הָאִישׁ-- אֲשֶׁר לֹא הָלַךְ, בַּעֲצַת רְשָׁעִים;
וּבְדֶרֶךְ חַטָּאִים, לֹא עָמָד, וּבְמוֹשַׁב לֵצִים, לֹא יָשָׁב.
ב כִּי אִם בְּתוֹרַת יְהוָה, חֶפְצוֹ; וּבְתוֹרָתוֹ יֶהְגֶּה, יוֹמָם וָלָיְלָה.
ג וְהָיָה-- כְּעֵץ, שָׁתוּל עַל-פַּלְגֵי-מָיִם:
אֲשֶׁר פִּרְיוֹ, יִתֵּן בְּעִתּוֹ--וְעָלֵהוּ לֹא-יִבּוֹל; וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר-יַעֲשֶׂה יַצְלִיחַ.
ד לֹא-כֵן הָרְשָׁעִים: כִּי אִם-כַּמֹּץ, אֲשֶׁר-תִּדְּפֶנּוּ רוּחַ.
ה עַל-כֵּן, לֹא-יָקֻמוּ רְשָׁעִים--בַּמִּשְׁפָּט; וְחַטָּאִים, בַּעֲדַת צַדִּיקִים.
ו כִּי-יוֹדֵעַ יְהוָה, דֶּרֶךְ צַדִּיקִים; וְדֶרֶךְ רְשָׁעִים תֹּאבֵד.

English Text of Psalm 1 can be found at: http://www.biblestudytools.net/OnlineStudyBible/bible.cgi?new=1&word=psalm+1§ion=0&version=nrs&language=en

On Wednesday, November 19, it is time to teach on Psalm 1 and all fall I’ve been thinking about verse 3:

He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season,
whose foliage never fades,
and whatever it produces thrives
(Tanakh, JPS).

“He” is the faithful person, the one who follows the teachings of the Lord. The psalmist tells us that he mines the scriptures day and night. I like this idea of faithfulness. I wish more of us thought studying scripture were a worthwhile thing to do, and praiseworthy to God, and beneficial to our own lives.

So “he” is faithful and as the image at the river unfolds, he is imagined as a tree with roots going down deep and wide. These roots will produce fruit in season and also beautiful flowering branches--long and full. The fruit that grows on this tree will not wither, but it will thrive. My friend and professor, Jo Bailey Wells, utilizes this image as a hopeful guide for leadership development in the church and more broadly, I think she would include all Christians. She remarked, “I hope to grow leaders whose leaves will not wither, whose branches have the capacity for summers of fruitfulness and winters of frost. Preparing for all the seasons, by addressing the roots first and foremost, is what I understand we are doing in the work of spiritual formation” (from “Roots Down, Walls Down,” AEHS Perspectives, 2008-2009).

This is an apt use of Psalm 1:3 and attending to the roots is also much of the work of teaching middle school boys. Sometimes as teachers we must feign immediate validation, knowing that healthy roots are under the ground, growing into the earth, spreading in all kinds of jumbled and confusing directions, and the invisible roots may not grow into trees that bear the fruit we think they ought to until after we have parted from these trees, these roots. Psalm 1 is a call for patience in dealing with the trees and roots around us.

Maya Angelou, one of the world's best poets and authors, brings in a third earthly element, beyond the tree and the river, the rock. Is the rock the solid foundation that is the teaching of the Lord, the Law, the Torah? Is the rock a new president, one who feels solid and dependable? Is the rock a country which we put our hope and trust in? Is the rock a stumbling block to the path of the roots that must have room to grow in order to grow fruitful branches?

Her poem: A Rock, A River, A Tree can be heard and seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDtw62Ah2zY

What else could the rock be? How does the rock relate to the river and the tree? Are the rock, river, and tree in communion with one another or are they in a kind of erratic disharmony all with different needs, purposes, and drives?

The rest of Psalm 1 denounces the wicked, those who are not faithful, are like chaff that wind blows away. Think tumbleweed, not a well rooted oak of Mamre or a 300 hundred foot tall tree that has lived 300 years in Glacier National Forest. No, this is dead grass.

In Angelou's poem, I think the images of rock, river, and tree are ultimately meant to represent our country. She was, in fact, helping inaugurate a president and I take nothing away from her amazing poem. But that is only the most superficial level. Upon closer reading, it is clear that Angelou is talking about the Earth. She is also talking about God. In A Rock, A Tree, A River, she picks up on the imagery in Psalm 1. She makes inferences to Dr. King's language "The arc of history is a slow bend towards justice," when she says, "The horizon leans forward, Offering you space to place new steps of change." Her poem is so great that it inspires us to take the meaning even further than hope in America. Psalm 1 takes us to a deeper level than country, that the rock, river, and tree are our lives inside of God's life. There are frosty and wintry periods. There are paths blocked by rocks and twisted roots. But ultimately there is fruit and produce that blooms from these elements as a result of life with the Lord.

What does your life with God look like? Is it like rocks, roots, trees and rivers growing together? Or is something very different? I welcome comments from students, parents, and any other readers.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. We're getting into some deep spiritual thinking here. God is our Rock, River, Tree, and Roots. Roots is the theme for the middle and high school ministries in my church so this is something we have been talking about. anyway, I would like to call atention to just theese few lines of many, in Maya Angelou's poem,

A Rock, A River, A tree.

"But today, the Rock cries out to us, clearly, forcefully, Come, you may stand upon my Back and face your distant destiny, But seek no haven in my shadow."

The rock is giving us a firm place to stand, but will not hide us from our troubles. God is somewhat like the rock, but UNLIKE the rock he does not only provide a firm place to stand, but also a gentle touch to be comforted by.

Rebecca L. said...

Sorry for the delay on this comment! (I wish the internet would give me a warning before it decides not to work).

Maya Angelou's poem is powerful. She does a wonderful job transfering advanced spiritual thoughts into an easier to grasp concept. The wording for her poem helps to portray the message.

"Sold, stolen, arriving on a nightmare
Praying for a dream."

The emotion and depth she writes with is remarkable in itself. The Rock, the River and the Tree represent God and what he is in our lives. God is firm like a rock, "speaks to humankind" like a tree and can refresh and help us like a river.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sam on the fact that this is powerful thinking here. I recall that in Maya Angelou's poem, "Come to me, here beside the River. Plant yourself beside me, here beside me." I think the tree symbolizes God or Jesus in this way.

"The River sings and sings on. There is a true yearning to respond to the singing river and the wise rock." God has created an emptiness in our hearts that only He can fill. When we try to fill this hole with other things, it leaves us as discontent as before. When we hear His song and respond to it, our hearts are satisfied.

Unknown said...

This is a very powerful piece of literature. I have never hard it before, but I like it. Especially the part where it lists all the different groups of people all coming together to here the tree's song.

She also says in the last stanza,"And say simply, very simply, Good Morning. I think that means a lot in that most people are "too busy" to notice the other people around them which is very sad.

Unknown said...

The rock is the country's past. You can look back on your past, but you don't have to repeat it.

The river is peace in our country. The river says to no longer fight for profit. Study war no more.

The tree is the dream for our country. That all people of different religions, beliefs, nationalities, sexual orientations, genders, and ages can come and root themselves, and have peace with each other.

The rock, river and tree call us to give birth again to the dream of America as a place for hope, freedom and opportunity to get along.

It's a call to change, a new day. With hope we can look at each other and say, "Good Morning." This is our hope for a fresh new start.

Anonymous said...

"History, despite its wrenching pain,
Cannot be unlived, but if faced
With courage, need not be lived again."
This reminds me of another quote I heard once: "Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it." That's why we have to learn history, even the parts we aren't proud of, even what wasn't that great and glorious - because we learn from the mistakes of before and know what to do in the future. If we only acknowledge the good parts, we're doing ourselves a disservice. In remembering it all, we accept the imperfections and learn to love - or at least understand - our past.

We look back on the Rock. It is a solid place that we can depend on.

Like the Tree, we have our roots interconnected with others. We can't act like we're the only one using the earth.

The River is always there, yet it's always changing. Millions and millions of drops of water, all going different places, for all time. But it's still the same River that we all flow down.

Anonymous said...

sorry it took me so long to reply! i couldn't find the blog entry.
i think this poem is just amazing! i like it how Mrs. Angelou talks about all the different kinds of people.

i think the tree is a person, and he is giving fruit to God.

i think that the rock is God because he will protect us.

and i think the river is something that will cleanse us from our sins.

this would've been a really good poem for obama's inaguration :)

see you monday!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a very powerful poem!
I realised how she worded this poem it had strong emotion and lots of knowledge from her!
Very interesting ways she explains the rock, how it cries out and lets you stand on him.
I was very touched with this poem i thought i could relate to many things in this wonderful poem.

I think the tree relates to giving fruit to us and replacing are hunger.

The Rock is like God and protects us threw thick and thin.

The River is saying we should never judge just because of are culture and color.

We should all be friends with one onther like the rock the river and the tree.

We all should lift are hands and faces to God for he is the one and only God and are True saviour.

I like this poem very much i think this should be read at weddings saying that we should trust in eachother and keep love in all that is good.

Sorry it took me so long to reply but i finaly got it! ;)

Loved this Poem Very much!
