Thursday, September 6, 2012

ongoing inspiration from David Whyte

Start close in as david says, the step you shant take
That’s the one
Isn’t it?
That’s the one to take
The one task you dare not confront

As you embark
be not paralyzed from outside your heart
Let other people’s questions wash away
Down into the gutter
Their's shall rain again, their questions, rising up into a cloud, and pummel you once more, but for today
Start close in
Refuse to talk, refuse even to listen to yourself
just embark

Slowly reflect, slowly proclaim as your soul turns to gold, keep this heart slowly thumping, 30 
perhaps 40 bpm

take your time, start close to your heart

influenced by Coleman's Bed and Start Close In, poems by David Whyte and I Will Wait, a new release by Mumford & Sons, and the gulley-washing rain of a Thursday, first among the days in September, 2012

Raise my hands, paint my spirit gold, bow my head, keep my heart slow

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